Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summertime Advice: Wear Sunscreen

put on some sunscreen, puh-lease. skin cancer isn't a good look. i won't harass you with scary statistics, but come on, we all know that skin cancer among young women is at an all-time high and that our likelihood of developing it is increased with more frequent sun exposure, sunburns and use of tanning beds (ewwwwwww!).

a lot of moisturizers come with spf 15 in them these days, so thats nice, but if you'll be exposed for long periods of time its best to put something stronger on your face and all over, really. also remember, any scars should be well protected at all times (i opt for 55, just to be safe) as any sun damage can cause them to get worse or stop healing properly. not to mention that sun damage causes skin to age don't want to look like a hag, do you???

if you're anything like me though, you are revolted by the greasy, disgusting feeling of sunscreen, but i found this neutrogena stuff (pictured above) that is fantastically matte and comfortable to wear. so find something you can tolerate and put it on, lest you come to pay for it dearly in the future...

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